Sunday 8 April 2007

Loving God 101

Okay, let's see.

There are instances I expound the Torah to my friends, the only thing they want to hear is the awesome story of Creation and Who is the Real God.

However, when I went further, especially when I told them that God 'Commands' us. They shy away. Well, the reason is simple: They think that the Almighty and Awesome God is so far fetched away and yet He Wants something for us? Well, for Heavens' Sake, a Creator which Does Not Need anything from us yet He 'Demands' something from us?

Wow, I was astounded by their assumption, so I did told them nonetheless, what is it we need to do Mitzvot (Commandments, loosely translated as,).

The reason actually is very simple, first why Love God? For starters, you do know how to love your parents right? How they provide for you when you are born, when they raise you up and loving your parents become one very important aspect of Morality in your life.

Then what about God? Is He not the Supreme Parents of all Parents? Who is the Creator of Everything? Our King and Father in Heaven?

Sometimes I do wonder, why we can follow man made law instead of divinely sanctioned ones? The Seven Laws of Noach seems very reasonable, and the only reason it is fit for use is that it fits very nicely in every household, in every nooks and corners of the world. It is logical, and it is usable, thus this is what God Required of us Gentiles, simple right?

Also, the Mitzvot, the most important point is that, look at this world nowadays. It is filled with corruption and what men should do, has not been done and what detrimental for our growth has been promoted and those that are well are been frowned upon. This is the very clear sense that we need these laws, not any other laws, but a set of laws that came from above, that resonates in our Soul, that came from our Creator. Our Lord HaShem.

I asked you, even you believe not in the God of the Torah, where you originate from? At the very leastm pray to the Creator whom you seems fit and asked him, what he truly Wants from you and believe me, He Will Answer you in a very direct way!

Amen, Baruch HaShem.

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