Monday, 26 July 2010

Postcard to HaShem


If you were given an opportunity to experience HaShem, what will you not give? However, HaShem will not want you to give Him anything. He just wants you to talk to Him and to be near to Him. What will you write in your postcard if you have the opportunity to send Him one? Isn't it awesome that you know He will read every single one of the postcards you sent Him?

Things are much easier though, have you talk to HaShem, our L-rd, lately? He is listening and He will ever be, no matter how much you have fell, no matter how much have you side-tracked, He will listen to you.

Why does He give us His Torah and Seven Laws? Simple, those are the tools necessary to be near to HaQadosh Baruch Hu.

HaShem, I love you.


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