Wednesday 20 June 2007

While You are Out...

Many of us are familiar with the 'While you are out..." phone messages, those sticky notes that reminds you who's who called and so on. However, in real life situation will there be a "While you are out..." messages? I am talking about real life situation here and the answer is a resounding yes.

What on earth am I talking about you might asked. The issues at hand is very simple, do you have a a way to return to your Creator's "Messages" that he left for you while you are no longer mindful of Him or perhaps (G-d Forbids), you have forgotten Him.

In the generation of Noach, HaShem Has Hold the "While you are Out..." Messages long until it can pile the whole universe. In patience, HaShem Waited for those that will review his "Messages" someday but He Has Waited in vain. Only Noach favours Him and no one else and until the last moment when the rain is falling, if the people repent, G-d Would Have Stopped the rain and turn it into a rain of Blessing instead.

So what's happening actually?

G-d Did Leaves us (all of us) "while you are out..." messages. However, it is up to us whether we want to return to have a look. G-d is Always Waiting us to review the messages, Waiting for us to do Teshuvah.

So, did you view your "While You are Out..." Messages today? The sooner, the better. :-)

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