Tuesday 27 March 2007

Noachides' Siddur

Well, a Siddur is a prayerbook for the Jews. Well, everyone needs a Prayerbook, be it Jews or Gentiles and I have been working on one now. I hope it can be a guideline to everyone to construct their own prayer.

Anyway, lately has been an eye-opener situation for me. I prayed harder to G-d, to Imbue upon me the fear of sin and also, an intelligent mind. I am lack of knowledge thereof :P.

Not much news in Ben Noachism lately, except that we can declare being one Ger Toshav through the Internet now. I have declared mine, have you?

If you still have not do so, join the Chassidic Gentiles and be one! It worths all the trouble!!!

Well, that's all, look out more for more juicier stories....


Anonymous said...

How do you declare being a Ger Toshav through the internet? What website?

mayura97 said...

This is the website: