Wednesday, 28 November 2007

I have a website!


I have set up a new website in It is not so complete but I will keep updating it. This is actually a very old design done while I am still in Form 5 (the content too). The website just cover the basic of basics so there's nothing much for advance learners to see. I hope to add in more thought provoking stuff there (I do wish I have the ability).

So what's the new update nowadays? Nothing much except that I am now in holiday so I have a lot of spare time to work on my website. However, being a busy man I am, my time is truly very limited. By HaShem's help, I hope I can finish this website as soon as possible with fresher contents.

I currently working on some interfaith discussions. I have found out that there is a lot in common between Noachism and every other religions on earth. I have seen that a lot of reasoning that I read from the Torah is explicitly, the greatest principals in other religions as well.

So, I have one idea, crazy enough but I think it is not that harmful. I have the notion that the age of the Mashiach will come after we realised that we are one, not many. We have to shed off a lot of misunderstanding and try to find wisdom common in every religion in order to bring them all back to the truth we all love so much.

Okay, enough rambling for now. Shalom!