Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Psalms in Its Original Majesty!


Thought to have been lost in time, the original tune of the Psalms as sung by the Levitical choir has now been reconstructed! Baruch HaShem. It is a long time ago the tune of the Psalms has been restored to its original majesty and I just know it this morning! I really felt ashamed for this. Haha.

The restorer is known as Suzanne Haïk-Vantoura, a very talented and precise musician composer. She notes that the Te'amim symbols are not only for accents while chanting but also for musical notation and gestures etc. This enables her to reconstruct the ancient melody of the Psalms.

This is where you can get further details:

They even included a link to download her complete work! Neat!

Sunday, 2 September 2007

Published Siddur


I have my Siddur published through cafepress.com. It is now available in my online store and it is ready for purchase! The free edition is still here to be published though but I hope that I can have some side income for myself. Guys, if you like this site, have a look at my Siddur and if you can afford, support this blog by purchasing this inspirational Prayerbook. However, we do have to remember that we are not commanded to pray and prayers are completely voluntary. The Siddur is just a guideline and is fully inspired by Rabbinical ideas.

Think of it as a Tzedekah, I priced it at only USD10.99.

The book contains 62 pages and listed the basic liturgy we need everyday. I have included some of the blog posts as well so as to help all of you in your spiritual journey.

However, bear in mind that I am not a certified Noachide. The idea of publishing my Siddur came after I remember my struggle as a Noachide back then, when I am gasping my air out for a prayerbook.

I have included a sample page from my Siddur. This is the page for the preparation of Morning Prayers (click for a larger view).

However, this Siddur is not exhaustive as there is yet a lot of prayers to be inserted. However, this basic Siddur can be a useful guide for composing your own prayer. For Noachides, we can compose prayers to our needs. There is one specific book of Tehillim (Psalms) that I would like to use: the Artcroll Tehillim.

I hope that this could be a major funding for me to further my studies in Judaic field. Please help if you can, there is nothing to lose ;-). If you want to have a glimpse what is inside, there is a softcopy in my Google group. Everyone is welcome to join in, regardless of your religious affiliation. Come and learn together!

To enter my group, click on the Google Group link on the right hand side and if you want to purchase my Siddur, Click Here!

However, due to some issues, the siddur has been temporarily removed from the webshop. I will upload it back when we settled the issue. In the meantime, settle with the electronice version first. It is free!