Thought to have been lost in time, the original tune of the Psalms as sung by the Levitical choir has now been reconstructed! Baruch HaShem. It is a long time ago the tune of the Psalms has been restored to its original majesty and I just know it this morning! I really felt ashamed for this. Haha.
The restorer is known as Suzanne Haïk-Vantoura, a very talented and precise musician composer. She notes that the Te'amim symbols are not only for accents while chanting but also for musical notation and gestures etc. This enables her to reconstruct the ancient melody of the Psalms.
This is where you can get further details:
They even included a link to download her complete work! Neat!
Thought to have been lost in time, the original tune of the Psalms as sung by the Levitical choir has now been reconstructed! Baruch HaShem. It is a long time ago the tune of the Psalms has been restored to its original majesty and I just know it this morning! I really felt ashamed for this. Haha.
The restorer is known as Suzanne Haïk-Vantoura, a very talented and precise musician composer. She notes that the Te'amim symbols are not only for accents while chanting but also for musical notation and gestures etc. This enables her to reconstruct the ancient melody of the Psalms.
This is where you can get further details:
They even included a link to download her complete work! Neat!